Head of Department of International Relations, Senior professor of Department of Physics, MPEI, Alexander Tarasov, was directed to the Institute of Power Engineering of Mongolian University of Science and Technology(MUST) in frames of the Agreement of collaboration between MPEI and MUST. The main goals of his visit were to read lectures, hold negotiations about the fulfillment of joint Mongolian-Russian education programs, participate in the activities of “Time to study in Russia!” project and the exhibition “Russian Education 2018”

MPEI’s leaflets, handouts and guides were distributed at the united stand of Russian Education on the exposition.

As a result of the collaboration between the official representatives of Russian Universities in Mongolia and the MPEI team the entrance examinations in Chemistry and Mathematics were held. Mongolian students and compatriots willing to be admitted in 2018 on Russian Higher Secondary Education programs are to be stimulated with scholarship given by Russian Ministry of Education, according to the partners. The examination materials were created in accord with RCSC in Ulan-Bator.
Representatives of RCSC and Russian Universities and members of the “Time to study in Russia!” project had created a group of experts for organization, direction, results check and control of the contest. An average number of participants was a half of a thousand. All the candidates had registered on russia.study website and gone through the RCSC selection from all the pretenders according to their basic abilities, contest results in Mongolia, knowledge of Russian etc.

During the visit there was arranged a meeting with the Rector of MUST, honoured professor of MPEI, B. Ochirbat. It included the discussion of priority steps made towards the success of Russian-Mongolian Technical University Consortium foundation. The decision to found the Consortium was taken on the 21st session of Intergovernmental Russian-Mongolian Commission for Trade, Economical, Science and Technological Cooperation on the 28th of February 2018. Coordinators of this process were MPEI and MUST representatives. Now both sides are working on the responsible group arrangement to elaborate the Treaty of the Consortium.

A meeting with Director of Institute of Power Engineering MUST C. Mangaljalav, Rector Advisor L. Gurbazar, Dean of Department of Electrical Power Engineering professor B. Bat-Erdene, MPEI Alumnus, Academic Secretary of Power Engineering Institute G. Bekhbat, was held. The thesis of the meeting was the Mongolian Institute students’ participation in the Science and Practice Summer School for young Engineers and Researchers. It is planned to be arranged on the basis of MPEI’s Electrical Power Engineering Institute in August, 2018.

In frames of the visit there also was a conference visited by R. Ganjuur, Secretary in Chief of the Mongolian Association of Energy Engineers ― MAEE. The Mongolian side of the conference expressed its interest in raising the qualification level of Mongolian Engineers with the assistance of MPEI and MUST, and offered to sign a memorandum between MPEI and MAEE.​

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